Work Experience
Since 09/2023 Senior Manager ARIX Business Intelligence GmbH
2009-08/2023 Associate Director, Kantar Market Intelligence
1997-2009 Senior Consultant, TNS Infratest Business Intelligence
1995-1997 Consultant, MPC GmbH Munich
1987-1993 University of Würzburg, study of biology; degree: Diploma
Current responsibility
Project lead of national and international research projects in Financial Services
20+ years’ experience in market assessment studies based on desk & qualitative research
In depth expertise in the co-ordination of multi country projects
Particular expertise in the segment of Finance, Politics and Social, Healthcare
Projects (excerpt)
“How will the current global trends, especially AI, shape the future of the Europeanbanking industry and its employees?” – Pillar III on behalf of the European social partners in the banking industry.
“Impact of regulation on employment in the banking industry in 28 EU countries”, pillar I and pillar II on behalf of the European social partners in the banking industry.
“Cross border payment fees in 22 European countries”; client: MasterCard (2013-2018);
“Innovations, trends and cases-studies for non-life insurance in Europe, USA and Asia”. client: leading Belgian bank
Reference customers
European Social Partners of the banking industry, Mastercard, Bayer Healthcare, Google