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Martina Keil

Senior Manager
Martina Keil
  • Martina Keil

    Work Experience
    Since 09/2023 Senior Manager ARIX Business Intelligence GmbH
    2009-08/2023 Associate Director, Kantar Market Intelligence
    1997-2009 Senior Consultant, TNS Infratest Business Intelligence
    1995-1997 Consultant, MPC GmbH Munich

    1987-1993 University of Würzburg, study of biology; degree: Diploma

    Current responsibility
    Project lead of national and international research projects in Financial Services

    20+ years’ experience in market assessment studies based on desk & qualitative research
    In depth expertise in the co-ordination of multi country projects
    Particular expertise in the segment of Finance, Politics and Social, Healthcare

    Projects (excerpt)
    “How will the current global trends, especially AI, shape the future of the Europeanbanking industry and its employees?” – Pillar III on behalf of the European social partners in the banking industry.
    “Impact of regulation on employment in the banking industry in 28 EU countries”, pillar I and pillar II on behalf of the European social partners in the banking industry.
    “Cross border payment fees in 22 European countries”; client: MasterCard (2013-2018);
    “Innovations, trends and cases-studies for non-life insurance in Europe, USA and Asia”. client: leading Belgian bank

    Reference customers
    European Social Partners of the banking industry, Mastercard, Bayer Healthcare, Google

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Anneleen Van de Meulebroucke


Sam De Voogt

Senior Attorney

David Martens

Professor of Data Science and AI
University of Antwerp
David Martens
  • David Martens

    David Martens is Professor of Data Science and AI at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. He teaches data science courses to master students studying business economics and business engineering. His research has been published in high-impact journals and has received several awards. David is also partner at Searching Pi and has been doing data science consulting work for about 15 years now for banks, insurance  and telco companies, and has worked with tax administrations as well in the area of fraud detection. He recently published the book “Data Science Ethics: Concepts, Techniques and Cautionary Tales”, with Oxford University Press.

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